Chimney Services » Fireplace Maintenance
by Roger Whitman | Apr 30, 2018 | Fireplace Maintenance
We wear hats to keep the top of our heads warm. We cap a pipe to keep it from leaking. However, for your chimney, you need a chimney cap on top in order to prevent water and debris from entering your chimney and home. Although, this part of the fireplace’s...
by Roger Whitman | Sep 25, 2017 | Fireplace Maintenance
Now that the weather is starting to cool off, it’s time to start thinking of those long evenings spent in front of a crackling fire, Now is a good time to start reviewing the rules of fireplace safety so that you can spend those evenings worry free. Keep it Smoke-free...
by Roger Whitman | Mar 10, 2017 | Fireplace Maintenance
There is something so homey and cozy about sitting in front of your fireplace, snuggling up with a good book or playing games with your family. Unfortunately, we don’t often think about the scary side of fireplace ownership: chimney fires. There are other things that...
by Roger Whitman | Feb 26, 2017 | Fireplace Maintenance
February – this month can be so confusing weather-wise. You have cold days interspersed with those days that remind you that spring is on its way. These are the days that you really love to use your fireplace. It’s great on those cold nights, but it’s also great when...